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So...What Do I Do Now?

Let’s be honest. We’ve all wondered about this question, and while some are indifferent towards the result of the current election, many are looking toward our future with fear, regret, and uncertainty. In our teen class on Sunday, we talked about the election as well as the moral issues at stake. I was a little surprised at how many hands shot up when I asked our teenagers how many of them would be eighteen within the next four years. Just fewer than 50% of our youth group! This post is for all of those who feel like America is being taken from you. This is for those who are asking, “Is there anything that we can be sure of?” The answer is absolutely! But in order to look toward the future, we must accept the vantage point from which we are looking. Below I have listed a few principles that have been helping me not to worry (even though I would like to), not to fear (even though I feel as if I should), and to still retain my joy (even though it seems so far away).

1. Remember God is in Control.

I have seen this on several Facebook posts, Twitter accounts, and even received it in text messages from people who are as disappointed with the election as I am. I have to admit, every time I’ve heard it I’ve sort of brushed it off as if to say, “Yeah, yeah, I know He is but I just wish that…” Let me help us all with something. Admitting God is in control is not something that we add to our list of “Hope this makes me feel better” stuff. It’s not just a trite saying. As a matter of fact, when we fully admit that God is in control, we are undeniably stating that we are not! God tells us in Isaiah 55:9, “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.” We must admit that we are not in control, and that God knows what He is doing!

2. Look to Our Spiritual Leaders for Guidance.

Can I confess something to you? When I woke up this morning, I didn’t feel like getting out of bed! As soon as my alarm went off, my head began to fill with the realization that America had chosen a path in direct opposition to God and His Word! As a matter of fact it wasn’t until I read a post from our pastor, Dr. Johnny Pope, encouraging Christians not to pout, to continue praying for our leaders, to make a difference where they could, and to keep a loving attitude that I regained my confidence as a Christian. I encourage you to read his post-election thoughts here. During times like these, we need to listen to and learn from those in our lives that are spiritual encouragers and leaders. Jeremiah 5:5 challenges us to get to the great men, and learn from them. A great way to do this is by making sure that we are in church whenever the doors are open, gleaning from the Word of God as it is taught!

3. Live Out Our Christianity on a Daily Basis.

There is one action that I can take every day to ensure that I am doing all that I can to win America back to God…be a Christian! God’s Word informs us in Matthew 5:13-14 that we are the salt of the earth and the light of the world. We cannot and should not expect the unregenerate person to act like a Christian. Rather, we should seek on a daily basis to live out our Christianity in such a way that makes people realize and recognize that Christ holds the key to abundant life (John 10:10)! Let’s make sure that our love for others is so radiant that we become known by it!

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